Main content
This page is a small showcase of WYMstyle 0.2 capabilities.
In the XHTML source of this page, in the head element, you will find this code:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="test04.css" />
You can switch layouts simply by changing the href attribute to any of these values:
- test01.css
- test02.css
- test03.css
- test04.css
Of course, these are only pre-made examples of WYMstyle0.2 layouts.
You can study these 4 CSS files to learn how to use WYMstyle0.2 and build your own CSS layouts.
Required (X)HTML structure to make a web page compatible with WYMstyle0.2
If you want to use WYMstyle0.2, your (X)HTML page must conform to the following structure:
- html
- head
- body
- div#page
- div#header
- div#content
- div#content_wrapper
- div.content#main
- div.content#sub *
- div.content#sub2 *
- div.content#sub3 *
- div.nav#nav-sec *
- div.nav#nav-pri
- div.nav#nav-lang *
- div#footer
- div.extradiv#extradiv01 *
- div.extradiv#extradiv02 *
- div#page
Elements marked with a star (*) are not mandatory, their presence in your web page can depend on your specific needs.
Additionnal content
Here comes your secondary content.
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