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Reasons Why My Children Do Not Need More Toys by Tammy Rosenfeldt
Sent Friday, February 9, 2024

~ They started off as babies who found my Tupperware drawer much more fascinating than their toy box.

~ The days I change the paper towel roll in the kitchen bring great excitement as they claim their new sword or telescope.

~ Their current toys are only exciting when I either reorganize them/put them neatly away or when I start my garage sale pile.

~ Who needs toys when jumping on my bed like the five little monkeys brings tears of laughter?

~ They are content to look at the clouds and find shapes - most recently Caleb claimed he saw Thomas the Engine. Really, just shouted it out while in the car.

~ To make one of them want to play with a toy, all I have to do is give it to the other one. Suddenly, that item becomes the best thing in the whole entire world.

~ The days I mop the kitchen floor and move the chairs into the living room are cause for adventure as they build tents and "dark, dark rooms."

~ A flashlight brings amusement to all for hours.

~ And my personal favorite - the other day they literally fought over who got to play with the fly swatter. I really wish I was kidding. [https://funshineexpressblog.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/istock_000019624705_box-toys.jpg]

Steve Sanderson aardvark@illinois.edu https://www.facebook.com/steve.sanderson2


Received from Steven Sanderson.

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A cheerful heart is good medicine... (Prov 17:22a)
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