
We found a body!
Sent Thursday, March 28, 2024

A very large, old building was being torn down in Chicago to make room for a new skyscraper. Due to its proximity to other buildings it could not be imploded and had to be dismantled floor by floor. While working on the 49th floor, two construction workers found a skeleton in a small closet behind the elevator shaft so they called the police.

When the police arrived they directed them to the closet and showed them the skeleton. It was fully clothed and standing upright. They said, "This could be Jimmy Hoffa or somebody really important." The police then arranged for the skeleton to be taken away.

Two days went by and the the construction workers hadn't heard anything about the identity of the skeleton. They couldn't stand the suspense, so they called the police and said, "We're the two guys who found the skeleton in the closet, and we want to know if it was Jimmy Hoffa or somebody important."

The police said it wasn't Jimmy Hoffa, but that it was somebody important.

"Well, who was it?"

"The 1956 Idiots Hide 'n' Seek Champion."

Received from PackyHumor.

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