Project slightly behind original schedule due to unforeseen difficulties -- We got so sick of working on this that we decided to do something
Major Technological Breakthrough -- Back to the drawing board.
Developed after years of intensive research -- It was discovered by accident.
Customer satisfaction is believed assured -- We are so far behind schedule that the customer will be happy to get anything at all from us.
The design will be finalized in the next reporting period -- We haven't started this job yet, but we've got to say something.
Test results were extremely gratifying -- It works, and are we surprised!
Extensive effort is being applied on a fresh approach to the problem -- We just hired three new guys; we'll let them kick it around for a while.
Preliminary operational tests are inconclusive -- The darn thing blew up when we threw the switch.
The entire concept will have to be abandoned -- The only guy who understood the thing quit.
Modifications are under way to correct certain minor difficulties -- We threw the whole thing out and are starting from scratch.
Received from Pastor Tim.
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A cheerful heart is good medicine... (Prov 17:22a)
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