[GCFL-discuss] survey

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Nov 20 08:30:19 CST 2003

I have only been signed up for about two weeks, my girlfriend forwarded me
one of your emails, but I like most of the jokes.  Some I don't find funny
maybe one out of every 20.  But I agree that the ones with kids are the
funniest!  I know this because I am the mother of 5 children, and there is
not a day that goes by that I don't laugh hysterically at something they

My 4 year old woke up one morning and it was foggy outside.  I exercise at
the crack of dawn every morning so she came down stairs and stood right in
front of the television, almost touching it with her nose.  I said, "Gabby,
move, I can't see the lady on the T.V."  She then told me that she thought
something was "wrong with her eyes".  The first thought that came to my
mind was oh great, my kid needs glasses.  Then I asked her why she thought
that and she said that when she looked out the window all she saw was white
like maybe it was all snowed outside (in the middle of August!).  I thought
that was hilarious.  I explained to her that the clouds were automobiles of
angels that had come down for a "visit" just to check on everyone to make
sure they were okay!  Kids believe anything!

Yolanda Cruz
Accounts Payable
Invensys Building Systems, Inc.
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Loves Park, IL 61111
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E-mail: yolanda.cruz at invensys.com

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                    gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net                                                                                  
                    Sent by:                                            To:     Yolanda <yolanda.cruz at invensys.com>        
                    gcfl-discuss-bounces_yolanda.cruz=invensys.co       cc:     "Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies     
                    m at gcfl.net                                           List" <gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net>                     
                                                                        Subject:     Re: Re: [GCFL-discuss] survey         
                    11/19/03 09:36 PM                                                                                      

I personally like all the ones about kids. Im a single father and know how
alot of moms feel.

--- gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net wrote:
On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 07:14:15PM -0600, gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net wrote:
> Well since we are supposed to be discussing the funnies, lets get things
> started.
> What was (in your opinion) the best funny you have received from the
> My personal favorite is the "engineer and the frog," but then I am a
> engineering student so...

Yeah, GCFL is run by that engineer guy, so figures he
would have a lot of geeky type funnies... ;-)

- John

How do I set a laser printer to stun?

www.GCFL.net (The Good, Clean Funnies List): Good, clean
funnies five times a week, no ads, for f_r_e_e!
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GCFL-discuss at gcfl.net

James Adams  http://my.tupperware.com/jimadams
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Page.                                          Thank You , Jim
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