[GCFL-discuss] Dem vs Rep

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Mon Aug 9 22:06:13 CDT 2004

Two reforms would fix the problems greenBubble refers to, and I support
both, even though it would make it easier for greenBubble to function as
a conservative Republican. (The Republican Party has made some invaluable
contributions to making our country what it is today, most of them prior
to 1877. My great-great-grandfather set a Republican tradition for my
mother's family when he marched off to the Civil War from east Tennessee;
his discharge papers were signed by Abraham Lincoln). But getting back to
electoral reform:

1) Abolish the Electoral College. Let each vote in every state count in
the final total. We could have a standardized state by state primary
process to weed out the candidates, and make sure it all happens after,
say, June 1 of the election year.

2) Provide for order-of-preference voting. With computerized equipment
reading paper ballots (got to have a paper trail for recounts) this would
not be time consuming. It means greenBubble can vote for the conservative
he really believes in as #1, then, if that candidate comes in last place,
greenBubble's vote can be transferred to his #2 choice, the Democrat he
dislikes the least. We won't have to abandon our principles out of
pragmatism over who we think has a chance to win. It would also have
meant people could vote for Nader as #1 and Gore as #2, or Buchanan as #1
and Bush as #2, or Buchanan as #1 and Nader as #2 and Gore as #3 --
everybody is a little different in what they really want out of a

We might be surprised who comes out ahead when people are free to vote
for who they really believe in.


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