[GCFL-discuss] Snow? In Georgia?

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Fri Feb 27 12:31:48 CST 2004

Hi Yolanda.  Here is my best explanation of Ash Wednesday.  It is the day 
that is the beginning of the Lenten Season.  (40 days before Easter)  What 
Catholics do in recognition of Ash Wednesday is to have ashes put on their foreheads 
to symbolize repentance for their sins.  (as traditionally done in the Old 
Testament - Jonah for instance and the people of Nineveh...)  It is also a 
reminder that from the dust we came and to the dust we will return.  The ashes come 
from the palms that were used on Palm Sunday.   (as was used when Christ 
entered Jerusalem and then that same weekend they crucified Him)  They burn them.  

As for Lenten sacrifice,  a lot of churches go on fasts, sacrifice pleasures, 
pray each day at a certain time, etc..in my church when I was a young girl, 
we had some folders with slots for coins and we filled them and put them in the 
offering on Easter Sunday.  The church I am in now, we do observe Palm Sunday 
with palm fronds, but we do not put ashes on our foreheads or anything like 
that on Ash Wednesday.  (I am non-denominational - full gospel)  We have an 
Easter sunrise service each year in observance of Christ's resurrection as well 
as our regular morning worship service.  

I hope I have helped you a little.   

God bless you abundantly today and always!

"Rev. Ev"
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