[GCFL-discuss] Made In Mexico

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Fri Jul 9 10:29:45 CDT 2004

A political discussion, with mutual respect, is fine.
As I have previously mentioned, I could not vote for Kerry because you never
know where he stands.  He has been on all sides of every important issue,
and promises to continue.
But, as far Heinz products go, I'm not sure it's  a valid argument.
I know of many families that differ widely (politically) among themselves.
Some families have come apart at the seams while others develop calluses and
have strong family ties.  It is especially interesting to watch a husband
and wife -- who became family voluntarily -- when they differ politically.
Such is the case with the Kerry's.  He's a liberal democrat (now); she was a
conservative.  Where she is now, I don't know, but she wasn't all that crazy
about him running for president and ruining the country.  Judging from
statements over the last few days, I suspect she is now in it with both
feet.  In any case, I don't think her upper-class views will affect a Kerry
presidency, nor is a Kerry presidency likely to influence the Heinz Corp.

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