[GCFL-discuss] President Bush Visits Supporters at the Home Town Diner i...

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Fri Jul 30 22:35:33 CDT 2004

Dear Jenny,

Did you miss my final sentence " I do wish George W. a long
and happy life in retirement with his family." ?

That would seem to settle your question.

I suppose that if you lean on the sometime custom of continuing to apply
the honorific "President" to those who have left office, there could be
some basis to your concern.

I meant that he will only be president for a few more months. We have a
humane and legal process for regime change in the USA.


P.S. Glad you understood Dave. But the election is in November, and the
transfer of office happens in January -- not February. A minor typo I'm

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