[GCFL-discuss] From the Book - Eph. 2

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu May 20 20:36:10 CDT 2004

Dear Rev Ev,

It all sounds good to me.

>There is no need to bend the word - it speaks 
> for itself.  I simply believe what it says and do my best to follow it.
> Yes, God is doing things His way and His way is the "only" way for us
to live 
> this life.  It is clear that He made the way for all to be saved
through His 
> grace and faith in Christ - not works alone.  

I have a problem when people start nit-picking about how if you haven't
made specific professions or recited specific prayers you can't be saved,
or even that all who are not Christians are going to hell. Because that
is not in the Gospels. But you have brought it back to the fundamentals.
God is doing things his way, and that is the only way for us to live this
life. That IS a gift of grace, not a reward for merit.


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