[GCFL-discuss] painting done by turtles

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sun Nov 21 14:30:56 CST 2004

I was thinking about this activity for turtles and you would have to use a paint that would not injure the turtle.  Something that you could clean up with water.  I've used latex paints myself ...they dry quickly, so the turtle could only paint for a short time & then it would be bath time for him!   A Tempera paint could work.
Naturally Koopa's handler doesn't want any competition out there.  So "don't try this with your turtle" makes sense.

Oil paint would not be good,  it's difficult to remove (usually turpentine is used to remove oils)    "turtle painting" should get you to the picture on eBay

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