[GCFL-discuss] (no subject)

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Tue Oct 12 20:52:05 CDT 2004

On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 22:04:07 -0700 gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net writes:
>     Aborion  should be illegal

I first note that nobody signed their name to this statement.

Second, whoever wrote it mis-spelled what I assume was meant to say

Although I believe there are some circumstances in which abortion is a
necessary measure, the sheer number of abortions performed in this nation
is obscene, as is the casual way women (and men in their lives) decide to
turn to it.

It has been a long time since anyone who says "abortion should be
illegal" has had to face the real consequences or meaning of that
statement. If abortion is "illegal" then there are criminal penalties for
having one. I for one do not believe that putting women in prison for
first trimester abortions, or putting doctors in prison who performs
abortions at such women's request, is an effective or appropriate way to
lower the number of abortions.

Since you said nothing more than "abortion should be illegal," there is
no point in giving the statement a more detailed reply. But there are a
lot of things that can and should be done to reduce the number of
abortions, create a culture in which the decision is made more seriously
and with more consideration of all the prices that come with having an
abortion (not just the pains and prices of pregnancy). Unfortunately, the
state is a poor and often a powerless instrument for accomplishing this
purpose. When abortions were illegal, millions of them were done anyway.


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