[GCFL-discuss] Life Stats

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Wed Oct 13 19:52:56 CDT 2004

I will try to keep this response to Matthew's rejoinder short:

Yes, in most cases, a baby born prematurely in the third trimester can
survive outside the mother, sometimes with a lot of technological
back-up, sometimes with long-term disabilities. (A boy now approaching
five who is the darling of my home church, and a friend of mine to the
extent an adult can say that, was born prematurely. His parents were
overjoyed that he survived against all odds, although he needed oxygen
tubes for his first year. He should be able to walk eventually, but only
after many operations, and last I knew he still was either crawling, in a
wheel chair, or carried by dozens of eager volunteers). There are prices,
but it is possible.

That is, of course, why no court has ever deprived a state of the
authority to prohibit third trimester abortions, and why most states (if
not all) do prohibit it. The only exception is, if the life of the
mother, or her long-term health, are threatened. When it comes down to,
mommy's life or baby's, a woman is not REQUIRED by law to make the
ultimate sacrifice.

So, we are coming to a point of near-agreement. Yes, it makes sense to
prohibit abortion in the third trimester. It also makes sense to make a
responsible "choice" before engaging in actions known to result in

If the technology does become available to transplant a fetus from a
mother unwilling to bear it to a woman, or man, willing to do so, that
option should be mandatory whenever a willing recipient is available.
Likewise, offering adoption, and payment for medical care, are very good
means of preventing abortion. Much better than prison sentences. But,
considering the number of unwanted and unplaced children already in the
world, I would say, let's see how many people really make that offer, to
how many unwilling and unready mothers. Making that offer is the best,
and noblest, statement by anyone who calls themselves pro-life.


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