[GCFL-discuss] Help for crisis pregnancy

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Fri Oct 15 13:24:24 CDT 2004

The Christians are doing A LOT to help women who have  a crisis pregnancy.  I know of a family that lets the mother live with them until the baby is born.  Another couple paid all the medical expenses for a mother who promised them her unborn child.  It cost them plenty, and when they arrived in her state to pick up the child, she changed her mind.  Of course they didn't get the money back. This happened to this couple twice.  They didn't give up and finally received a baby to adopt.  People want these babies.

There are Care centers in our area where mothers can get free services, clothes, diapers, counseling.  The Care center also provides emotional help for those who have already aborted a baby.  These women don't recover so easily from this act.  I know of two who suffered greatly, because they chose abortion.  One was 40 the other 60.  They still had great remorse after all those years.  God is a God of great compassion and they were able to receive forgiveness.  But they still grieved.  

Easy access & legalizing abortion is no favor to woman.   In this case an "easy out" turns out to not be so easy.

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