[GCFL-discuss] voting early and often

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Oct 28 20:25:47 CDT 2004

I think Rev. Ev meant tell three friends to each vote.

Vote early and often was a fine art in Chicago, but really effective vote
fraud is not committed by individual voters, even en masse. It is
committed by experienced professionals in charge of counting and
reporting the totals, particularly when they control all the government
agencies, including the so-called nonpartisan ones and the civil service
(through patronage). Chicago's "Thin Pencil Louie" simply wrote what his
wanted in the report form, after he ballots were, or were not, counted. A
little oversight does go a long way. I would rather have an atmosphere
that encourages everyone to feel free to vote (once), even if a few might
abuse it in small numbers, than massive intimidation that keeps people
from bothering. Everyone has calculations about what might help or hurt
their side, but let's keep the emphasis on everyone getting out to vote.

I wouldn't mind voting several times, but if Rev. Ev did the same, we
would cancel each other out, so we may as well stick to one apiece. We
could try letting non-voters give proxy rights to active voters... but
THAT would be a massive invitation to real fraud.


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