[GCFL-discuss] Order in the court

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Fri Jul 22 21:28:51 CDT 2005

Looks to me like GW made a pretty decent choice for the Supreme Court. No
president is going to appoint someone with sharply different views than
the man in the White House. And my preferences are sharply different. But
Judge Roberts is NOT coming in with an agenda of his own (the ultimate
definition of prejudice, pre -- judic), he has a good mind, he can deal
with a variety of viewpoints, and he seems to be a man who will deal with
each case and controversy on its merits as it comes to the court. A man
who was clerk to the appeals court judge (Henry Friendly) who was clerk
to Justice Louis Brandeis, and helped write Brandeis' opinion that laid
the foundation for a right to privacy rooted in the Fourth Amendment,
can't be all bad. He will probably move the court in ways I won't
appreciate, but he is unlikely to do major damage to the law as it now
exists. It seems that GW had enough sense not to let the Supreme Court
become a crass political battleground. Yes, Roberts will be hard to deny
confirmation to, but that is because so far there is no good ground to
vote against confirmation. Let all the advocacy groups on all sides stand


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