[GCFL-discuss] Re: Difference between ending life and dispensing with external means to prolong it

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Fri May 13 15:51:28 CDT 2005


You have again given me food for thought. "There is a
tremendous difference between  committing an act that
ends your life, and dispensing with external means to
prolong it."

Prior to reading your comment, I had never thought of
taking medication as an external means of prolonging
life, but many medications do exactly that - diabetic
meds, mental health meds, heart meds, lung disease
meds, etc. Nor had I thought of the medical equipment
I use as an external means of prolonging life. 

My children have an extremely rare syndrome, primary
ciliary dyskinesia. It affects 25,000 people in the
USA and only 1,000 of them have been identified.
Because their cilia don't work, their bodies cannot
expectorate mucous, so they have chronic sinus
infections, ear infections, bronchitis, and pneumonia.
They each use a device to rinse their sinuses several
times daily and use a special coughing technique to
get the crud out of their lungs. PCD symptoms are very
similar to cystic fibrosis symptoms. If anyone knows
someone with these symptoms, check out the PCD web
site at http://www.pcdfoundation.org/. The medications
my children take and using the sinus rinsing devices
and nebulizers, give them a better quality of life and
are prolonging their lives.  

My brother was taking several medications for blood
pressure, cholesterol, seizure disorder, and mental
health disorders. Following his death of a seizure
that induced a heart attack, we counted his 
medications and discovered that he had stopped taking
all of them four days prior to his death. Because he
had seizures only while sleeping, I believe he
purposefully ended his life. 

So, dispensing with external means to prolong life
conveys to me more than disconnecting machines that
may be keeping me alive in a vegetative state. I make 
choices that affect my quality of life. I use a CPAP
machine to keep me breathing at night because I have a
genetic anomaly that causes sleep apnea. I take
medication to control my restless legs syndrome and
periodic limb movements disorder so that I get better
quality sleep so that I have a better quality of life.
Prior to diagnosis and treatment of the sleep apnea,
restless legs and periodic limb movements, I was so
depressed that at times I considered ending my life. I
just couldn't figure out a way to do it that was
painless, except for taking a combination of drugs and
alcohol, and what if I changed my mind at the last
minute but couldn't get to the phone to dial 911? 

I believe that if someone's life is so unbearable,
either mentally or physically, my brother for example,
none of us have any business in telling that person to
keep trying to make life better. For some people, the
struggle is just too hard. I've been on that edge, and
it's a very difficult place to be --  people telling
me that life would get better, and me not believing
them. And for many years, life did not get better. I
am incredibly grateful for a kind counselor who gave
me permission to take whatever action I felt
necessary. Just knowing I had a choice was extremely

I feel I have gone on much too long expressing my
views, but couldn't figure out how to condense this
piece. If you've read this far, thank you for your
patience. This has been a very therapeutic exercise
for me.  


"There is a tremendous difference between  committing
an act that ends your life, and dispensing with
external means to prolong it."

Subject: Re: [GCFL-discuss] Re: New  Advance Directive

I would be bursting with more comments if you took
time to lay yours out,  but I will just note that
Christopher Reeves (1) was  not on life support
equipment, (2) did not request that such equipment 
be turned off, and (3) most important of all, no
person holding political or judicial office had the
unmitigated gall to make it a matter of public 
discussion WHETHER he should or should not do so. It
was left to him and his family. Suicide has never been
the issue. There is a tremendous difference between 
committing an act that ends your life, and dispensing
with external means to prolong it.


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