gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Fri May 20 12:40:36 CDT 2005

My favorite topic. I'm writing a book on this one too.

A very inspiring response to a debate that doesn't need to exist.

Perfectly constitutional too. We each have a right to both free speech
and the free exercise of our religion. It is only the government that
can't pick and choose and sponsor and impose.

There was a REAL story a couple of years ago from a school district in
Kentucky, which had been enjoined from the traditional use of the Lord's
Prayer at graduation. So, the school authorities didn't provide for it in
the program. And, at the point in the program where it used to happen,
about half the graduating class got up and recited it. 

Sorry Frank -- yours was funnier. This is about good clean FUNNIES. But
there are also perfectly constitutional ways to offer prayers before
football games, without treading on anyone else's rights. And, if there
is not one person in school who objects -- the ACLU can't bring a court
action anyway. There has to be a party with standing to sue.


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