[GCFL-discuss] America

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Mon Nov 7 21:41:29 CST 2005

greenBubble, I could care less about what is "politically correct" and in
whose eyes it is or isn't. But the picture is factually untrue, except
possibly for the Russians. Hispanics, Somalis, and Vietnamese have, in
general, worked quite hard. One hundred years ago, some anglo-saxon
American would have passed off similar stories about Jewish immigrants.
The percentage of our taxes that goes toward "housing, food stamps, free
medical care and free education" is very very tiny. There are much bigger
chunks in the budget to eliminate if we want some real savings. I bet
some of the Russians work hard too.


P.S. Lance, I would love to know what "X nationality" is. It sounds like
you are talking about native born Americans.
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