[GCFL-discuss] discussion topic

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sun Aug 13 10:34:58 CDT 2006

Things have been rather quiet lately.  I have a few thoughts that maybe would get a discussion going.
  In the last little while we have had two neighbors die after long illnesses and many and long hospital stays and doctors visits.  I now have a brother in law who is fighting a losing battle with prostate cancer.  In each case there was no chance of recovery to full health.
  The question I have is this:  Should we run up huge hospital/doctor bills in and effort to stay alive when the illnesses are terminal?  What would be appropriate or not appropriate?  Who should make the decision--the person or the family or both?
  I am struggling with this somewhat and would like to know your thoughts and maybe get some new insight.

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