[GCFL-discuss] Faith and Suffering

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sat Feb 11 09:21:15 CST 2006

That was excellent, even for GCFL. It was exactly what Jesus would have
said. Or Elijah for that matter. Or as an original I will not name said
to Job "Who is this who speaks without knowledge?" But a hit over the
head with the cane is more direct.

By the way, I NEVER observe Valentine's Day, because

1) I'm ornery and don't like to be conventional,

2) If I tell someone I care about them because this is the day everyone
is doing so, then I'm not sure I really mean it,

3) It really is an odd choice of saint to use as an occasion for
celebrating a Roman deity.

But to anyone who enjoys the occasion, there is no reason to worry about
anyone else's ornery opinion, as I always say when asked why I celebrate
Halloween, or even Christmas.


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