[GCFL-discuss] Speak

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Wed Mar 1 20:51:16 CST 2006

Yes, I knew it was me, and given that we are a small group that knows
each other remarkably well considering the geographic distances
separating us, I figured everyone else would know too. I note that we
have not yet heard from Frank.

Jeanene, I actually wasn't referring specifically to you, and I have no
idea if you are a loyal Republican or not. I also have no idea what there
is to love about the little boy in the white house, but polls indicate
some 120 million Americans (41% of the population) are so inclined. And I
meant to suggest we talk about something else, since we all know
everything there is to say on the subject already.


P.S. For the record, I think all the publicity about Cheney shooting his
best friend on a hunting trip is ridiculous. There are many good things
to criticize the evil genius for, but that was a purely private matter,
not a political issue. Its not like the man shot was a political rival
who was mysteriously invited on a trip with a bunch of people who always
hated him in the past. Friends do stupid things to each other sometimes. 
It is not an issue of state. Its not worth a single headline.

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