[GCFL-discuss] the media and me

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Mar 2 22:36:21 CST 2006

I agree about the Cheney "incident".  Why did I need to be told about 
that???  And why was it important to me as an American citizen?

Like in that matter, I feel like I am being manipulated by the media.  I 
feel it in so many ways in my life, but just a few days ago it was apparent 
again.  I was listening to the news (NPR, CNN Headline news or network news) 
and they were telling us how fresh meat packages in the US are sealed with 
carbon monoxide inside to keep the meat red like we like to buy it.  They 
were making a huge deal about it and I felt like yelling at them to SHUT UP! 
They were implying that the American consumer would be tricked into buying 
bad meat because it still looked good.  Do they think we don't SMELL our 
meat before we cook it?!?  Bad meat will always smell bad, even if gassed.
The medium I was watching was trying to rile me.  And THAT is what upsets 
me, not the "news" report they were yakking about.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List" <gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net>
To: "Red" <jeanenehea at comcast.net>
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [GCFL-discuss] Speak

> Yes, I knew it was me, and given that we are a small group that knows
> each other remarkably well considering the geographic distances
> separating us, I figured everyone else would know too. I note that we
> have not yet heard from Frank.
> Jeanene, I actually wasn't referring specifically to you, and I have no
> idea if you are a loyal Republican or not. I also have no idea what there
> is to love about the little boy in the white house, but polls indicate
> some 120 million Americans (41% of the population) are so inclined. And I
> meant to suggest we talk about something else, since we all know
> everything there is to say on the subject already.
> Siarlys
> P.S. For the record, I think all the publicity about Cheney shooting his
> best friend on a hunting trip is ridiculous. There are many good things
> to criticize the evil genius for, but that was a purely private matter,
> not a political issue. Its not like the man shot was a political rival
> who was mysteriously invited on a trip with a bunch of people who always
> hated him in the past. Friends do stupid things to each other sometimes.
> It is not an issue of state. Its not worth a single headline.
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