[GCFL-discuss] Eye Test

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sat Mar 11 19:59:42 CST 2006

Feel free to snarl... some of my best friends do also. No, I have never
used my real name in this discussion group. I try to keep my life in two
distinct categories, my real name, and this name. Under this name, I post
articles to a blog nobody reads, published two books that almost nobody
has read yet, and occasionally publish articles in The Wittenburg Door,
probably the world's only religious humor magazine. (The March/April
issue has my satirical remarks on neo-pagans, which you can find briefly
mentioned at www.thedoormagazine.com, but the full article is not online.
I could post it here, but I don't know if anyone wants to read it. I hear
the next issue will have my article on the Communist Party of China
warmly welcoming American missionaries who teach "the powers that be are
ordained by God" and related verses on obedience to government. I reserve
my legal name for paying bills, working, visiting friends, making
reservations at Amtrak, etc. I'm afraid if my written stuff ever becomes
well known, it could intrude on my privacy -- or some nonsense like that.
Everyone knows that Lewis Carroll was really Charles Dodgson -- but
nobody cared until people started reading Lewis Carroll's books. Dodgson
always denied any connection.

Why did I use Siarlys for the discussion group? I don't know, I think it
was a toss-up, but once I started, I tried to be consistent. This email
is based on the name Siarlys Jenkins. The last name comes from my
mother's father's mother's family, the Welsh branch that I like to
identify with, although I can claim five or ten other nationalities and
ethnicities. Of course I don't know your last name, and I wouldn't know
if Jeanene was your first name, middle name, or a made-up name, if you
hadn't mentioned it. By any name, I am still the opinionated loud mouth
who believes every point should be discussed to ten degrees of factual
detail, that you love and hate.

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