[GCFL-discuss] Flak

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Nov 2 20:05:31 CST 2006

John, you obviously missed the Mallard Fillmore cartoon where the aging
baby boomer says he can't believe his daughter grew up to be a
conservative, and Mallard says "Hey, the times they are a-changing." (The
distraught father couldn't take a joke either, he said "Oh, shut up.")

I miss the days when those who worked for a living mostly voted Democrat,
or even Socialist Party of America, and the lazy parasites who lived off
the working people were wealthy Republicans, not immigrants and welfare
recipients. But stereotypes never really cover reality do they? I also
miss the days when the Republican Party included radical abolitionists
and most of the Jeffersonian and Jacksonian democrats, all but the John
C. Calhoun set (whose intellectual descendants are now mostly

I have two grandparents who voted SPA, one whose family have been
Republican since the Civil War, and another whose father organized for
the UMWA in Pennsylvania, after trying in vain to remain totally
independent and self-sufficient, and finding that he could not. Did you
know that John L. Lewis endorsed a Republican for president in 1940?


P.S. Lance -- I expected something with more depth from you. 
P.P.S. Unique Breakfast was awesome -- I forwarded it all over the place.

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