[GCFL-discuss] Fw: [GCFL.net] A Thanksgiving Funny

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Nov 22 07:55:25 CST 2007

Speaking of wild turkeys, has anyone seen a flock of turkeys take to the
air? I have. They rose gracefully and powerfully out of a field in West
Virginia, alongside a road wide enough for 1 1/2 cars, in the early
twilight when the sun had set behind a mountain but the sky was still a
deep blue tinged with orange. They really are nothing like the
domesticated version. Incientally, another weakness of the domesticated
version is that they have been bred for so much white meat that they
cannot get together to mate; they have to be artificially inseminated,
one pair at a time, or they would be extinct and we would have to go back
to hunting the wild ones. (This job is listed in the ten worst jobs,
alongside of processing the diapers that the truck brings back to the
plant from the homes of subscribers).


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