[GCFL-discuss] the Primary

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Jan 24 18:37:32 CST 2008

In most states, you only get to vote in one party primary or the other.
The theory is, you can choose which party you want to be a part of, but
the primary is for members of a political party to decide who they want
their party to nominate for consideration by the general electorate,
which in theory is a bunch of other people. Primaries are better than
ward heelers and party bosses picking candidates in smoke-filled rooms,
then telling the rest of us "pick dis or dat." However, now that we use
primaries and almost everyone has an opinon, I believe we should shift to
a system where everyone runs in one big primary, anyone who is a bona
fide member of any party can put that party label next to their name if
they want, and the top two, three, or four candidates run in a final --
which really should be an order-of-preference ballot. Like, I can list
Edwards #1, but if he gets the fewest #1 votes, my vote is transferred to
Obama, and if he comes in last in the next round, it gets transferred to
Huckabee, so my vote can help make sure that the winner is NOT Giuliani
or Romney.

Jeanene, my unsolicited advice is to flip a coin: heads, vote for Obama,
tails, vote for Edwards, if it lands on edge and doesn't tip, vote for


On Thu, 24 Jan 2008 15:45:57 -0800 "Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies
List" <gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net> writes:
I hear you on that one Jeanene. But I'm not sure anyone cares what
Washington people have to say. I think I'm fairly secure in my Democratic
vote, but for Republican... no clue at all. Or do we get to vote both
On 1/24/08, Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List
<gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net> wrote: 
Guess what came in the mail today?
A sample ballot for the Presidential Primary on February 5th.  How has
the primary already arrived?!?  I need it to be later in the year.  I
haven't read enough or had enough discussions to be able to make so
critical a decision! 
I am panicked!
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