[GCFL-discuss] the Primary

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sun Jan 27 20:05:56 CST 2008

I believe greenBubble is a Democrat only so he can vote in the primary
that, in NYC, usually determines the winner of the general election.
Anywhere else he would be a Republican. If you are going to vote in the
Republican primary Jeanene, I can tell you this: if Hillary Clinton is
the Democratic nominee, I would vote for Huckabee. Otherwise, I'm with
Lance. I don't belong to either party. For many years, I skipped voting,
because it all seemed like tweedledum and tweedledee. I called the 2000
election "anti-Christ v. The Blob," starring GWB as anti-Christ (he
reminds me of Damien in OMEN III) and Al Gore as The Blob, because in his
career he has taken every possible position on every possible issue. (He
was the one who first made Willy Horton into a campaign issue). But after
seeing how much damage GWB did to our country, I'm not so sure.

My favorite gospel columnist recently noted that one Ann Coulter (I think
she's the dumb blonde Jeanene and I had fun kicking around a few months
ago) said "If Democrats had brains they's be Republicans." I noted, if
Ms. Coulter loved her enemies, she would be a Christian.


On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 11:27:10 -0700 "Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies
List" <gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net> writes:
Ummm, I am a Republican, Lance(?)/ greenbubble(?) is the Democrat.
----- Original Message -----
Jeanene, my unsolicited advice is to flip a coin: heads, vote for Obama,
tails, vote for Edwards, if it lands on edge and doesn't tip, vote for
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