[GCFL-discuss] Why I'm a Democrat

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Mon Nov 3 20:20:40 CST 2008

Sorry Frank, that is so old and tired its not worth knocking apart.

I'm NOT a Democrat because the Democratic Party has never come up with
the spinal fortitude to give either the Reagan or Bush agendas the hard
punch they deserve. For forty years, Democrats have cringed in the
shadows, assuming that the American people were lemmings who would never
even consider changing course. Among other things, Democrats have run in
terror from really lame criticisms like the one you just offered.

Although Howard Dean had many faults, he did one thing right in 2004. He
showed that taking a punch at the incumbent president was an effective
way to make the case he should not serve another term, while offering
"Bush Lite" merely convinced people they might as well have the real
thing. When Dean imploded, John Kerry picked up on that lesson for about
two weeks, which made him the front runner, then collapsed into maudlin

Why has it taken until this year for someone to point out that the
Emperor has no clothes, more precisely, that the Reagan Revolution
consisted of reducing taxes by taking on record deficit spending, which
taxpayers have to pay more interest on than we spend on the war in
Iraq??? And why did it take a news columnist to note what Joe Biden could
not think of: If Sarah Palin doesn't think paying taxes is patriotic,
just who does she think is going to pay for the body armor her son needs
to keep him alive in Iraq??? It used to be Republicans who said this, but

The Democratic Party may think they have a winner in Barack Obama, but I
hope he is going to drag them into places they have feared to tread for
fifty years. That's what I voted for.

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