[GCFL-discuss] Paddy O'Malley

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Fri Jan 9 10:08:00 CST 2009

did you figure out that Siarlys' question was regarding wednesday's
gcfl?  this is, after all, a [GCFL-discuss] group.
no, i don't hear the jingle in my head but it sounded familiar enough
that i figured it was from a commercial for a non-Kosher takeout.  which
is why i asked my non-Jewish colleague for help.  she wasn't sure which
chain it belonged to.
Yes, I keep Kosher, and I like to think that my kitchen is Kosher.  and
I live in New York City, the Big Apple.  
Ironically, NYC is the only place in the USA where the tap water is not
Kosher!!  The water supply is so clean that the Feds do not require a
filtration system.  As a result there are tiny bugs, called copepods, in
the water.  Most are microscopic, but some are as large as 12 mm.  Any
bug bigger than 10 mm, which makes it just barely visible to the naked
eye with 20/20 vision, is not Kosher.  So we have to filter our water
before we can drink it.


Subject: Re: [GCFL-discuss] Paddy O'Mlley

McDonalds!  Not Burger King.
Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on
a sesame seed bun.
I can hear the tune in my head, can't you?
It's the ingredients of the Big Mac!  Am I the only one who watched
commercials as a child?!?
Burger King's ditty was Have it your way.  Can you hear that jingle in
your head?
Do you have a kosher kitchen, greenBubble?  In what part of the country
do you reside?

	----- Original Message -----
	Since I eat Kosher, i had to ask a colleague but it's from
Burger King. She thought it was hilarious.
	two obese Paddies, special Russ, Lester Sleaze picking bunions
on the Sesame Street run.

	Two beef paddies, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles,
onions, on a sesame seed bun.


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