[GCFL-discuss] Reply to Fwd: Don't Let Google Close the Book on Reader Privacy!.eml (1KB)

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sat Jul 25 23:11:08 CDT 2009

kateinmo's comment about her computer reminds me of a story someone a
little older than me told about the year that Eldridge Cleaver (who later
became a conservative Republican) was a fugitive Black Panther. A lot of
radical chic types put posters in their window saying "Eldridge Cleaver
Welcome Here." Naturally, they would have frozen up if he actually showed
up at their door. Someone with a more clever sense of humor put up
posters saying "It is the duty of every red-blooded American to help find
Eldridge Cleaver. If you see a black man with nappy hair and a beard who
you think might possibly look like Eldridge Cleaver, call your local
police and the FBI right away." Naturally they got so many phone calls
they couldn't follow up on them. And it turned out, he wasn't in the
country anyway. The best way to hide a secret is NOT to clam up, but to
talk up a cloud of dust. But the fact remains, they shouldn't be
monitoring us in the first place.


On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 20:06:22 -0700 (PDT) "Discussion of the Good, Clean
Funnies List" <gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net> writes:

Loved what your mother said:  "My mother always said, anyone tapping her
phone deserved whatever they had to listen to."  

The same goes for what's on my computer. By the time they get through
even 1% of all the stuff I should have deleted due to old age (the
stuff''s age, not mine!), they'll give up in frustration! 

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