[GCFL-discuss] Americans are Wimps

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Mon Sep 21 10:05:51 CDT 2009

I miss the discussion group. Not because I've been away, but because
nobody is talking. I just read a column by Thomas L. Friedman which
points out that when it comes to doing things that would actually weaken
the people we are sending our boys and girls to fight, we are total
wimps. We are in fact so wimpy our politicans are afraid to even talk
about how wimpy we are. The column is titled "Real Men Tax Gas."

A couple of years ago, I could have talked about this with armchair glee,
because I didn't own a car. Now, if we do what Friedman is advocating, I
too will pay, at least a little. I drive a 2007 Kia Rio, which gets 30-35
mpg, sometimes up to 41 at steady 70 mph freeway driving.

But it makes sense. Why are we willing to send someone else's sons and
daughters (its an all volunteer force, so except for a few truly
dedicated patriots, those who have better options are not in the
military) off to die, but, we are not willing to wean ourselves off
dependence on oil from the Middle East?

In 1973, Denmark got all its oil from the Middle East. Today, zero. Why?
It put a $5 a gallon tax on gasoline, invested in energy efficiency and
generating energy from waste, which covers 60%, then found some North Sea
oil for the other 40%. France gets 80% of its electricity from nuclear
power, has no problem with safe waste disposal.

There are lots of ways to work this. I think the best idea is a tax that
fluctuates with the market price, so price at the pump is always the
same. Say we try for $5 a gallon at the pump. If market price is $2.59,
the tax is $2.41. If market price goes up to $4.29, the tax is $0.71.
What do we do with the difference? Provide a rebate on income taxes, or
social security payroll taxes, or pay down the national debt. That way,
we all get the money back, but we do better if we use less gas.

Its a small sacrifice to make to support our troops.

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