[GCFL-discuss] A TSA welcome home for the troops...

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sun Dec 12 23:46:53 CST 2010

This story isn't too far from reality, if it is at all.
My 22 year-old son recently spent 15 months in Iraq and he has stories about the silliness of questioning soldiers carrying emptied and/or loaded weapons.  Sometimes you just have to wonder what happened to balancing security concerns with common sense.  It wasn't so very long ago (I was within a mile of the event at the time) that a trusted American soldier murdered his fellow soldiers in cold blood on Army base on American soil.  So maybe a little discretion regarding soldiers and weapons should be exerted.  But in the story Siarlys shared, it went too far.
By the way, my son is now a sergeant in the US Army and we are very proud of him.  He is an unmanned aerial vehicle operator and loves his job.  Best of all, he and his wife of 4 years have provided us with a grandson who is now a one year-old and a granddaughter due to arrive in February.
An aside...  Americans (me included) have no idea how it would feel to live in a country where security is really high (like Israel) because we have always flexed our freedom muscles.
Thanks Siarlys.
Any more children on the way, John?
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