[GCFL-discuss] Roll call

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu May 2 10:11:36 CDT 2019

Siarlys is being red as always, grousing that Bernie Sanders is far too right wing, but probably the best we're going to get, and directing a withering fire at the whining narcissists of LGBTQWERTY from the left. A friend who has worked in investment portfolio management and actuarial administration tells me that Bernie's numbers add up, which is important. He has a realistic plan for how to pay for everything, even if Wall Street is going to scream about how be balances the budget. 

I have a quibble about "Medicare for All." I want an, umm, DIVERSE range of options. I recently enrolled in Medicare, the kind we have now that starts at age 65. My premiums for Part B are higher than my share of cost under the Affordable Care Act, but I can handle that. After looking at all my options, I signed up for a Medicare Part C plan. Traditional Medicare involves a substantial deductible, and 20 percent coinsurance. The common way to deal with that is Medigap insurance, and there is no way I could ever afford that. I found an in-state Part C policy that has no deductible and no coinsurance. It does have substantial copays, but I can handle those a lot more easily. It may not be for everyone, but it works for me. So as I always say, socialism works best when you have a lot of options to choose from.

Sad News For Meghan Markle And Prince Harry

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