[willowbrook] FW: update on Connie

Taylor, Doug douglas.taylor at intergraph.com
Wed Jun 30 14:18:21 CDT 2004

Below is an update from Connie.

-----Original Message-----
From: Connie Taylor [mailto:dugncon at knology.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 12:51 PM
Subject: update on Connie

Doug has asked that I send an update myself on my progress.

I am improving daily, but it is still a slow go. The pain/burning still
exists, but is better overall.  I will be most happy when it is gone!:)  I
do try to do a little more each day (I find it hard to stay put sometimes),
but by afternoon/ evening I am usually worn out. Some days seem to give me
more energy than others. I have started driving short distances, but am not
ready to face any long trips or even I-565. I also haven't tackled the
grocery store, yet, but that will come as I can be on my feet more. I have
put on a couple of pounds and do not look quite so sickly - except for that
bald spot on my head!

The last doctor's visit went well. I no longer take the potassium and my
blood counts were good. I see him again in a couple of weeks. I'm supposed
to see the radiologist, but I've avoided making the appointment until I've
healed some more.  I don't know when the final check will be to make sure
the cancer is gone, but please continue to pray that it is completely and
forever gone!

I have been blessed to have my sister and now Doug's mom stay with me and
help.  She leaves Sunday and I will be on my own. Pray that I have the
strength to do what needs to be done.

Although this has been a terrible experience in many ways, I still believe
God will use this for His Glory. I know already many lives have been touched
and for me personally, I have grown closer to Him.  I have also seen the
body of Christ work together to minister to me and my family in ways I never
imagined. Thank you again for your prayers and may you continue to pray for
renewed strength each day and for complete healing.


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