[willowbrook] Fwd: German Students

Doug Taylor dvtaylor at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 08:31:20 CDT 2006


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Burbank <dburbank7 at comcast.net>
Date: Sep 14, 2006 10:46 PM
Subject: German Students
To: dvtaylor at gmail.com


Could you send this out on the Willowbrook email lists?  Thanks.

If you are interested in hosting one of the German students for one
week, we need to know soon.  As of right now, we do not have any
students placed at Willowbrook.   Even though being at Willowbrook is
not necessary, I am partial to our youth group and I think our church
would provide a better experience!  The dates are Sept 30 through
October 8.  All students speak enough English to at least communicate

Student portfolios can be seen at:  www.cyegermany.com  Semester
Students:  User ID:  burbank  Password:  7141508  The password is my
cell phone number in case you have questions.  Placed students have a
milky white film over the pictures.  The portfolios are staying active
so the host families can continue to have access to them.

I have several students left.  If you are considering hosting one of
these students, please let me know soon.  My email is:
dburbank7 at comcast.net


David Burbank

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