[willowbrook] update on my mom

Doug Taylor dvtaylor at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 10:09:07 CDT 2007

In addition to mom's lung cancer and treatments, 10 days ago, she fell
& broke her hip.  Two days later they put in 3 screws.  Chemo was
halted, rehab was started, but radiation continued.

Then 3 days ago she couldn't move her right foot (toes or ankle).
Weakness developed in her upper right leg, too.  Now, the whole right
leg is pretty much paralyzed.  Last evening was extreme pain for a few
hours that wouldn't be controlled by the usual pain medication.  Today
she has developed some tremors.

They've found a "destructive process" in L4 of the lower spine (most
likely cancerous) that is also pinching some nerves.  This is the
cause of the paralysis, and (in my mind) possibly the cause of the
fall and upper leg pain she's been experiencing for a month which we
had attributed to blood clots.

The doctors are discussing things this morning and may do surgery tomorrow.

Since the beginning of the year, mom has spent 30+ days in the
hospital, and none of them were restful.

  Doug Taylor
  mailto:dvtaylor at gmail.com

  Love God.
  Love others.
  Any questions?

  North Alabama Christian Athletics

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