[willowbrook] update on my mom

Doug Taylor dvtaylor at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 22:12:50 CDT 2007

1:45pm EST
Surgery update from my sister:
Mom's surgery is finished
relieved pressure on 2 nerves
took some tissue for biopsy
but couldn't get into main tumor since it is
  inside bone and didn't want to weaken the bone
overall prognosis is not good
cancer probably continuing to micro spread
stage 4

4:30pm EST
Just got another call from my sister.  Mom's breathing tube is now
out, but her response to stimulus is low.  They are doing a cat scan
to check for a possible stroke.  She is now in intensive care.

Much later:
Although the scan was inconclusive, they are sure she has had a
stroke.  No responses on the left side, and mild responses on the
right side.  The scan also revealed 3 lesions (ie, tumors) on her
brain that weren't there a couple months ago.  Her heart & lungs seem
to be good, but she is basically semi-comatose.  She mumbles a little,
but she looks to be asleep.

She's been fighting a vicious cycle.  They had to take her off the
blood thinners to do the back surgery, but that may have led to
additional blood clots & stroke.  They can't add blood thinners now
because she is still recovering from the surgery, which could lead to
additional clots and more problems.  Argh!

I think I'll drive up there early Wednesday morning since I think the
next 48 hours are critical.


Doug wrote:
> Mom is having back surgery right now (8:30 CST).  Their goals are:
> 1. decompress the lower spine, thus relieving the pressure on
>   the nerve that is causing paralysis and sharp pains in the
>   right leg
> 2. investigate the "destructive process" (i.e., via biopsy, etc.)
> Thanks for listening and for your prayers.

  Doug Taylor
  mailto:dvtaylor at gmail.com

  Love God.
  Love others.
  Any questions?

  North Alabama Christian Athletics

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