[willowbrook] Thank you!

Sheila Eisenzimmer sheila at willowbrook.org
Thu Nov 1 17:20:29 CDT 2007

A BIG thanks to all our church family for your servant heart and wonderful
support on Wednesday night for Fall Festival. So many of you went above and
beyond the call to serve multiple shifts and did everything possible to make
this night the huge success that it was!  A special thank you goes to every
person who brought a car for Trunk or Treat & the many candy and food
donations from our church family.  It was by far the largest crowd ever for
a Fall Festival at Willowbrook. 


Dave Knowles said he believes we served about 800+ people at the supper. We
thank Dave, Lynn & Judy Simpson and their entire kitchen crew and over 60
people for your chili, Charlotte Dahlenberg and her photographic crew for
the great pictures, Eddie Broyles and the deacon body for traffic control
and security, Mike Moss & Bill Schlapman for their innumerable days of
planning and set-up and take down assistance, thanks to the Lord for the
incredible weather and again, to all who had any part of this great night,
our gratitude.


All, to the glory of God the Father. 


Preschool and Children's Ministries of Willowbrook


Sheila Eisenzimmer, Sharon Powers, Directors

Willowbrook Baptist Church 

7625 Bailey Cove Road SE

Huntsville, Al   35802

256-883-0907 X 126



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