[willowbrook] Hello Church Family!

Sheila Eisenzimmer sheila at willowbrook.org
Tue Jan 20 18:19:21 CST 2009

As the New Year has arrived and our Pastor has begun a new sermon series, we
are excited to se the increase in numbers of people hungry to hear the Word
of God.  In our Preschool world, that means one thing however. With most
families who are attending, there are children - and Praise God!  There are
SO many churches who would love to have the "problem" of more children than
they have leaders.  We are so blessed not only to have a bounty of children,
but we have a wonderful new building in which to minister.


Currently, I have 4 rooms that I have not opened since our move in April
2008. They were scheduled to be renovated but we did not have the funds to
do so this past year.  They are certainly still useable - but they need the
most important item we cannot go purchase - YOU. 


I have a class I need to begin of 3 year olds in a 9:15 Sunday School hour.
This would be a class of less than 10 children. Our other 3 year old classes
are pretty full. 


I have a class of one year olds that need two teachers at 9:15 now. 


I have a class of two year olds that needs 2 teachers at 9:15 immediately as


All of these classes can be taught every other week, allowing you to attend
worship or Sunday School on the other week. 


We also had 18 babies this past Sunday in our largest infant room, and have
2 other baby rooms with up to 8 children in them. 


Please pray about how you could minister with us, or please share these
needs with your Sunday School classes if they have e-mail lists. Reply to
this e-mail if you desire to serve with us.


God always provides, but He uses us to share these needs with His people. If
you cannot serve with us, please pray with us that God sends leaders for His


God Bless,




Sheila Eisenzimmer, Director

Preschool Ministries of Willowbrook

Willowbrook Baptist Church 

7625 Bailey Cove Road SE

Huntsville, Al   35802

256-883-0907 X 126



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