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View Funnies Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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Attorney's Car Trouble
Date: Sent Friday, August 25, 2006
Category: None
Rating: 2.18/5 (500 votes)
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An attorney was driving through the countryside when his car failed him. He looked under the hood and knocked a few items around with a hammer. In the process he knocked off a gas line and got his arm soaked with gas before getting it back on. Discouraged, he attempted to start his car. Much to his surprise it started, and he headed for the nearest town for a permanent repair. To celebrate his success, he lit up a cigarette, at which time his arm exploded into flames. He stuck his arm out the window, hoping the wind at 50 miles per hour would put it out.

He was promptly pulled over by a local constable and given a ticket for an illegal use of a firearm.

Received from The Daily Groaner.

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