[GCFL-discuss] Super Bowl "OOPS!"

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Wed Feb 4 10:28:43 CST 2004

John, I agree with you about MTV.   MTV and lots of others have  pushed the 
envelope with regards to decency.   I also agree that the incident was not an 
accident.  As a matter of fact, I saw a part of Janet's apology this morning.  
She stated that it was not meant to offend and she did indeed change the way 
the performance was supposed to end, etc., etc.  

I am going to file a complaint with the AFA.  But not so much because of this 
one incident.  It is because of the low level entertainment has reached 
period.  What happened Sunday was not good by any means;  but I find the opinions 
and actions of television networks, the music industry bigwigs, the Grammy 
Association, etc. all "hypocritical".  I find it hard to believe they are so 
"outraged" at this because of what I see and hear on a regular basis on TV and the 
radio.  Madonna and Brittney lip locking, Christina Aguilera's nakedness and 
super-sensual videos, Madonna's naked behind showing, (thong thing going on)
the explicit lyrics in gangsta rap, contestants on Big Brother having sex on 
the show, ...need I go on?  These people are not shocked.  They are making BIG 
$$$ from it...and it will continue downhill unless we make some noise about 
it.  This type of behavior is considered "normal" nowadays and it will get 
worse because everyone wants to outdo the other guy because garbage sells in 
America!  The filthier/over the top it is, the more attention it gets.  If we take 
a stance against it, stop buying the junk, stop letting our children watch and 
listen to it - get on our soap box and voice our opinions about it, sign 
petitions for decency - I mean MAKE SOME NOISE, maybe those of us who are 
pro-decency ("the squeaky wheel") will get some attention and prayerfully get some 
things changed.  Just "my" opinion folks.

God bless you abundantly today and always!

"Rev. Ev"

P.S. - I don't think being a "Jackson" helped her any either. 
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