[GCFL-discuss] Super Bowl "OOPS!"

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Wed Feb 4 11:31:17 CST 2004

I had the middle schoolers from our church over at our house for a Super Bowl Party.  When the half-time show started, my husband and I both remarked that it seemed odd to have those particular artists onstage as they didn't seem to be popular with the serious NFL fans.  We were going to change the channel when we noticed that every single tween and teen had left the room!  They had all chosen on their own to find other things to do.  Interesting, eh?
All that to say, we had the TV on ESPN when the "show" happened.
We have written the NFL and ABC because we didn't think the halftime show catered to those who watch football.  And that's what the game is!!!
Tucson, AZ
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