[GCFL-discuss] Prayer

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Tue Jan 6 13:05:59 CST 2004

Perhaps I am misinformed, but I was under the impression that a child *under
2 years old* who has chicken pox might not become immune to it permanently.
I do not know about the vaccine.  



What does that mean?  She may not become immune?  I thought that if you get
it once, your done?  My older children have had it, but my two year old was
vaccinated and my 1 year old could not be vaccinated until she turned 1 and
my husband got the chicken poc 6 days before her first birthday and check
up!  I hope your not telling me that she will be able to get again in the
near future.

Worried Mom

Yolanda Cruz
Accounts Payable
Invensys Building Systems, Inc.
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E-mail: yolanda.cruz at invensys.com

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