[GCFL-discuss] Birthday or concert

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Jul 1 21:58:12 CDT 2004

Jeff, who or what is this birthday girl to you?

If she is a close relative who really expects you, then MAYBE family is
more important than a concert.

If she is a friend of yours, and your mother is simply trying to plan
your social life, then do what appeals most to you. If the girl isn't
going to feel hurt, or you aren't close enough to her to worry about what
she thinks of you, then don't worry about it. Everything has its price,
you decide what price you want to pay for what choice.

INSERT: Your response to Lance says you used to play together at age 3. I
would never abandon something I want to do to go visit someone an hour
away who I used to play with when I was 3.

My brother used to hitch hike 800 miles to take in a Grateful Dead
concert. I wouldn't have made the effort, but it was important to him.
(That was my LITTLE brother, which tells you how old I must be).


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