[GCFL-discuss] Made In Mexico

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sat Jul 10 13:53:49 CDT 2004

Dear Siarlys,
Thanks for the thoughtful discussion of outsourcing. I am especially impressed with the following two paragraphs:  
We need a strategy for building up production jobs in the U.S., in ways that can be sustained in a global market, so we don't become a hollow service and finance economy. We should be in a position to feed and clothe ourselves it the global economy falls apart for a time. We should be making real tangible things to sustain the service portion of our
economy. That requires more complex thinking than an election campaign generally stimulates.

A comforting thought: some of our greatest presidents are remembered for contributions that either were not campaign issues, or that they would not have dared to present to the voters. When Roosevelt was re-elected in 1940, American public opinion was overwhelmingly pacifist and isolationist. If Kennedy had run in 1960 on a platform of passing a comprehensive civil rights bill, he would have lost by a landslide. I have more confidence in Kerry's ability to handle the NEW challenges that the next four years will bring, and I have confidence that Edwards will provide a perspective that neither Kerry, Bush nor Cheney can offer -- since all three are children of wealth and privilege, while Edwards is the son of a cotton mill worker from a small town in South Carolina. (But
still, his rhetoric on outsourcing jobs isn't up to the complex task that will face our nation in the next decade. His heart is in the right place, which counts for something, his method needs more work).

Thanks again for giving us such a thought-provoking viewpoint. 


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