[GCFL-discuss] Sins

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sun Jul 18 15:23:22 CDT 2004

You made some very thought provoking comments: "I agree with you that homosexuality is wrong.  However, I don't necessarily think it should be illegal. Yeah, I know the US was founed on Judeo-Christian ideals but I don't treally think the government should regulate marriage (and this is coming form my incredibly strong southern republican Christian self) ...Seeing as the Bible says that in God's eyes all sin is equal, I don't really understand why many put things like homosexual acts and pre-marital sex and other things like that up as these super-huge big sins that are super disgusting.  I mean, I totally agree that they are, but so is every single sin that there is.  So, basically, I was just wondering if anyone had a particular reason for being so totally totally against homosexuality?  Everyone sins.  Everyone.  Every day.  Like a trillion times a year.  But for some reason three or four sins have been escalated to this super-bad status and I don't understand why."
I don't understand why, either. I'm not a Christian (and please, everybody, don't try to convert me because it won't work!). The second of Christ's great commandments is "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 23:39. I am continually amazed at many Christians' actions and attitudes that are in direct contradiction to that commandment. Among most religions, it seems that at least half those who profess to believe in their religion's tenets don't honor them! I'm not limiting that statement to Christians, but to people of all the faiths in the world. I have studied many belief systems, and the core that runs through all of them is to treat other people as I would treat myself or as I would want other people to treat me. If we all lived our lives on that premise, think how much better a place this world would be!    
My domestic partner and I are living in sin according to his very religious family. I've explained to them that if we marry, I lose my health insurance. I'm disabled and must have good health insurance coverage. Their reply is to get married and God will take care of it all. Since I don't believe in their God, why would I do that? We've told them that if they will pay the cost of my medical care, we'll be married as soon as possible. So far, no takers! And, unfortunately, several members of his family no longer have contact with us because we aren't married. Fortunately, we have other family and friends who support our relationship, and we just don't need those very judgmental people in our lives! 
So I have no answer to why three or four sins have been escalated to the super-bad category. But you sure got me to thinking! Thanks, 
By the way, I have several gay and lesbian friends who have been in long-term relationships --  longer than the marriages of an equal number of straight married couples, marriages that ended in divorce. Which is not a bad thing, but that's a whole other conversation!  

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