[GCFL-discuss] Sins

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sun Jul 18 20:09:54 CDT 2004

To avoid running on at length, I agree with Layne, and I like most of
what Dave said, but I must qualify one factual reference to the retreat
presentation I cited:

"Booty call every five minutes" was not a reference to lustful thoughts,
it was a reference, perhaps slightly exaggerated, to actually engaging in
sexual intercourse with different women, none of them your wife, the kind
of pattern that ends up with eight children by six different women. Even
if it wasn't a sin, its unfair to the women, and the children, and in the
long run to the man committing it. And these are some of the loudest
mouths despising homosexuals. (I didn't say that is the lifestyle of ALL
men who condemn homosexuality).

Also, while the police have no business checking up on our thoughts,
every religion has some sense that God does check up on our thoughts.
Those are two different concepts, especially under a government system
scrupulously separated from the church(es).

A brief note to Kateinmo: Two elderly widowed neighbors of opposite
gender in the building where my parents live had similar problems with
wanting to marry but not wanting to create confusion as to property,
wills, income, and respective prior children, all now adults. They found
a simple solution. They did not get a marriage license, but did find a
pastor who would give the blessing of a church to their union, without
requiring one. So, civilly, in the eyes of the state, they are single,
but spiritually, in the eyes of the church, and I would infer of God,
they are married. (If you don't belong to a church or believe in God,
that might be more difficult. If you are merely not a Christian, you may
have some clergy of some faith to talk with).


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