[GCFL-discuss] Paul on women

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sat May 1 07:13:46 CDT 2004

Posh, Yolanda, anyone else,

If you put all of Ephesians 5 together, it places identical burdens on
both husband and wife. A wife should submit to her husband, a husband
should love his wife as his own body, and as Christ loved the church. How
did Christ love the church? He sacrificed himself for it.

So, if the husband wants his wife to do this, but the wife feels like
doing that, she will do what her husband wants, because she loves,
respects and submits to him. Likewise, if a wife wants her husband to do
this, but he feels like doing that, he will do what his wife wants,
because he loves her and sacrifices himself for her.

Trying to make this burden unequal requires very selective quoting from
Scripture. The Greek communities Paul was writing to had traditionally
kept women locked up in the house all day, while only men went out on the
street or conducted business. Paul was teaching something new and
liberating, but in a humble and submissive way, for all believers.


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