[GCFL-discuss] You asked for it - South Beach Diet

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sat Oct 16 12:45:02 CDT 2004

I am losing weight quickly!  Others diets seem to take forever to lose weight & you get discouraged. Not this one!  First off the best thing would be to buy the book.   It is inspiring because of all the health benefits.   My friend was on South Beach 6 months & his blood work came back with all improved numbers.

For the first two weeks you eat no flour or sugar.  He tells you how to do this.  You eat lots of vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, nuts for snacks.  Lowfat cheeses.  Cook with olive oil.  You are supposed to snack twice a day.  That would help you Frank.   You can use Splenda  to sweeten yogurt, or whatever.  After the two weeks you slowly add fruit and Whole grains.  No white flour.  You can go off the diet for special occasions & then get right back on.

Turns out fruit, being big on sugar, was sabotaging my diets before.  Also white flour is a mistake if you want to lose weight & be healthy.  It's a different way of eating so you kinda need the book to give you ideas as to what  to eat.  Instead of orange juice for breakfast you have tomato juice.  I think they sell the book at Costco.

Let me know if any of you get into it.  

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